Where getting a new hymnal!


It’s been 29 years since our blue hymnals were published.

In that time many things have changed, some have not…

Glory to God is the new Presbyterian hymnal, published in 2013. It contains 853 hymns, psalms, and songs. About 400 hymns remain from the 1990 blue hymnal – including most of the hymns we sing at FPCEH. There are more than 450 new hymns from older Presbyterian hymnals, other songbooks, and individual composers and authors. Many are not in the blue hymnal, including traditional favorites I Love to Tell the Story, Rock of Ages Cleft for Me, Shall We Gather at the River, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, We Are Marching in the Light of God, and We Are One in the Spirit.

Glory to God includes a complete Psalter of singable Psalms and enough Taizé music for whole services in that style. A brief note is included with each hymn, providing information about its music, theology, or history. Glory to God also reflects the diversity of our changing church, incorporating many different musical styles: traditional, spirituals, folk, gospel, jazz, contemporary, and global music are all well-represented.

When will FPCEH begin using Glory to God? We plan to have them in the pews and dedicate them for use in worship on the first Sunday in Lent, March 10.

What will happen to our existing hymnals? On the Sunday prior to dedication we will “retire” the red hymnal from service. Whenever possible we will give them to the families of those memorialized on each nameplate. After that, we will distribute them for a $5 suggested donation to support our Music Ministry and then give any remaining copies to churches in need of hymnals... The blue hymnals, on the other hand, will remain in the pews for now beside the Glory to God.

Can I sponsor a Glory to God hymnal? Yes! A $20 contribution will cover the cost of one hymnal. Donors are invited to make contributions in honor or memory of loved ones. A commemorative plate will be affixed to the inner cover of the hymnal reflecting the dedication.

“In Honor of” and “In Memory of” gifts
are wonderful ways to express your appreciation for someone special 


You can fill out this form for up to five (5) hymnals, you may submit multiple forms.

If you prefer, you can print out the flyer and form below and mail it in or drop it in the offering plate.

Glory to God Hymnal Flyer.pdf