Meet the Staff

June Lester

Administrative Assistant


Steve Bock


Church Leadership

Class of 2025

Andrea Cooper
Barbara D’Andrea
Harriet Edwards
Pember Edwards

Class of 2026

Barbara Borsack
David Cataletto
Karel DeBoer
Wendy Mott

Class of 2027

Kim Borsack
Aleaze Hodgens
Hilary Malecki
Nancy Pearson

Session Committees

Buildings & Grounds
Andrea Cooper

Christian Education
Kim Borsack

Church Nominating
David Cataletto

Communications & Evangelism
Pember Edwards

Building Usage
Pember Edwards

Nancy Pearson

Stewardship & Finance
Wendy Mott

Missions & Outreach
Barbara D’Andrea

Barbara Borsack

David Filer

Worship & Music
Harriet Edwards


The Presbyterian Church takes its name from the New Testament Greek word for "Elder": presbuteros. It describes the way the church is governed, with oversight resting on elected bodies at the congregational, regional, and national levels.

The governing group in each congregation is called the Session, a body made up of men and women known as "Elders" who have been "set apart" by election and ordination into a supervisory role. The Session meets monthly to conduct the business of the church. "Teaching Elder" is the name for an installed pastor in a congregation. The Pastor is also a member of the Session with equal rights to the other Elders. Elders generally serve for staggered three-year terms, with a third of the Session elected each year. Ordination is a for life designation. Past Elders are part of a group called -  the College of Elders.


Moderator: Fran Chapman

Class of 2026
Greg Eberhart
Heddie Edwards
Leslie Clarke
Tiffany White

Class of 2027
Betty Pasteur
Carol Sigler
Connor Thumser
Paul Vogel

Class of 2025
Fran Chapman
Joy Anne Dixon
Kristine Eberhart
Suzanne Nicoletti

“The Mission of The Deacons of the First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton is to facilitate the caring ministry of the body of Christ by exemplifying the heart of Jesus Christ through charity, love, and compassionate service.”

-Board of Deacons