Laundry Love
Love Never Ends,
Neither Does the Laundry
Our Church supports the Laundry Love initiative of Rev. Gerardo Roma Garcia of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island. Rev, Garcia oversees that church’s new East End Latino ministry. The Congregation of the First Presbyterian Church contributes quarters into a collection box in the Narthex of the church. These donations are delivered to customers of the East Hampton Laundromat in Amagansett on the first Wednesday of the month from 5-7 pm.
Laundry Love is a neighboring movement that partners with groups, schools, churches and local laundromats to wash the clothes and bedding of low-income and/or no-income families and individuals.
For more information:
Episcopal Priest Takes Laundry Love to Amagansett, East Hampton Star, February 1, 2016 "If I had clean clothes people would treat me like a human being." Helping low‑income families and individuals wash their clothes since 2003