Sermon Notes
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The Bread of Life
This week Pastor Jon continues the second part of our summer series on evangelism. John 6:24-35 introduces the church to a theology of the table where Jesus - the Bread of Life - gives himself for the world. At the table we are fed with sustaining and everlasting life, the result of Christ’s body and blood poured out for the church. At the table, we invite our neighbor to tangibly experience God, to be fed by his hand, and thereby be sustained by his indwelling Spirit.

Go and See
This week Pastor Jon begins the second part of our summer series on evangelism. John 6:1-15 outlines 3 key truths about how the church bears witness: i. Disciples are responsible for feeding the crowd; ii. following Jesus for sustenance is enough; iii. we are all fed by Jesus’ hand. Following these truths means practicing a self-sacrificial form of evangelism that prioritizes the needs of our neighbor above our own.

Do Not Lose Heart
This week Pastor Jon continues his series on evangelism by studying 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:5. This scripture harmonizes with Psalm 116 in its claim that God hears our cries in the midst of affliction. God is present in all circumstances, transforming misfortune into blessing. The Holy Spirit assures of this truth, among both believers and non-believers.

Sufficient Grace
This week Pastor Jon continues his series on evangelism by studying 2 Corinthians 12:7b-10. This scripture testifies to God’s strength which is made perfect in weakness. Paul reminds us that God is able to use our struggles, turning our afflictions into blessings. For this reason, our witness is incomplete without our weaknesses.

The Day of Salvation
This week Pastor Jon continues his series on evangelism by studying 2 Corinthians 6:1-10. This scripture reminds us of God’s faithfulness in circumstances of all kinds. Paul’s word to the church challenges us to base our evangelism primarily on our witness of God’s activity in our life. It may be that the elements of our witness which are most difficult to reconcile will serve as the foundation of our evangelism to the world.

Fear the Lord
This week Pastor Jon continues his series on evangelism by studying 2 Corinthians 5:11; 16-21 . This scripture calls members of the church God’s ambassadors to the world. The success and failure of an ambassador depends on their obedience to their King. As Christians, Christ is our King. If we find that our witness to the world has suffered, might it be because our obedience as ambassadors has also suffered?

A Letter From Christ
This week Pastor Jon continues his series on evangelism by studying 2 Corinthians 3:1-6. This scripture challenges its readers to consider 3 areas of focus in evangelism: i. the context into which we are sent as evangelists, ii. what the evangelists asks their neighbor out of in inviting them to follow Jesus, and iii. what the evangelist invites their neighbor into when inviting them into the church.