Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS 2023
VBS 2022
VBS 2019
First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton, July 14-18, 2019

““I just wanted you to know how much my granddaughter loved bible camp last week....we are all singing the songs she learned....The best was tonight when we were just sitting around talking about helping someone and she said to my husband “ grandpa if you need help Jesus is there to help” it melted my heart. Thank you so much for all you did it was truly inspiring.- Gail””
“One 6 year old driven to his first day of VBS at the Session House said, “what kind of camp is this again?” Hearing “church camp”, he replied “I don’t think I’m the church kind”. His grandmother reported after having a fabulous week at VBS, at his next camp he interrupted the art teacher to ask if she knew Jesus.”