Sermon Notes

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Anxiety & Assurance
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

Anxiety & Assurance

When Jesus tells us not to worry, he does not dismiss our needs, fears, and anxieties. Jesus provides reassurance that God knows our needs and meets them. Chapter 12 of Luke’s Gospel calls us to use our energy to pursue God’s kingdom, allowing ourselves to be recipients of God’s blessing along the way.

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Prayer & Praise
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

Prayer & Praise

The eleventh chapter of Luke’s Gospel sees Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray. In the simplified version of The Lord’s Prayer, we are given a pattern for prayers of all kinds. Using this pattern, Jesus teaches us how to bring every aspect of our lives before God in prayer.

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Savior & Lord
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

Savior & Lord

So far, Luke’s Gospel has told us that Jesus is the savior of all - but what exactly does Jesus save us from? In three brief stories, chapter 8 reveals Jesus’ power to save humanity from natural disaster, evil, sickness, and death. The salvation offered in Christ assures us of the life to come, but begins with the problems we face here and now.

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Faith & Forgiveness
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

Faith & Forgiveness

The seventh chapter of Luke's Gospel challenges us to reconsider our understanding of the relationship between faith, forgiveness, and healing. In presenting contrasting stories of faith and healing, Jesus reveals God's will to liberate the sick, dying, and grieving regardless of whether or not the recipient is deserving.

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Blessings and Woes
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

Blessings and Woes

Chapter 6 in Luke’s Gospel begins the Sermon on the Plain. Significantly, Jesus leaves the confines of the synagogue to deliver his best remembered teaching. In this challenging sermon, we are called to do the impossible. But through the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit, everything is possible for us.

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Discipleship & Sacrifice
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

Discipleship & Sacrifice

Chapter 5 in Luke’s Gospel introduces us to Jesus’ first disciples. In order to follow Jesus Pete, James, and John must leave everything - prosperity, safety, and familiarity. They are called to practice a discipleship that is built on sacrificial faith. The church today is called to this same costly discipleship.

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Mission & Gospel
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

Mission & Gospel

Our series on Luke’s Gospel continues with a look at Jesus’ hometown sermon. Following the Prophet Isaiah, Jesus offers a mission statement for his earthly ministry - naming the things God has sent him to do. Pastor Jon asks whether the Church has confused the mission of the Gospel for the Gospel itself.

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Spirit & Witness
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

Spirit & Witness

Between now and Easter, we will take a deep dive into the Gospel of Luke with an eye toward what makes Luke’s account unique, how it speaks to us today, and how it helps us answer the question: what is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Beginning a summary of Luke’s first 3 chapters, Pastor Jon uses Luke 4:1-13 to explain how Jesus is the fulfillment of Israel, the second Adam, and the culmination of God’s plan.

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Stubborn Joy
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

Stubborn Joy

With Christmas Eve comes the Incarnation of the Word - God made flesh. The truth of Immanuel - God with us - is manifest in a stubborn joy that overcomes the darkness of the world. Over and against happiness, which comes and goes, the stubborn joy that Jesus brings with His birth carries us through the challenges of this life. Jesus stubbornly loved humanity so that we might have stubborn joy through him.

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After Forgiveness
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

After Forgiveness

On the third Sunday of Advent, John the Baptist warns his followers that the life of faith does not end with forgiveness, it begins here (Luke 3:7-14). When we are baptized and receive God’s forgiveness, we are given the choice to walk a new path that follows the steps of Jesus. When we begin with forgiveness, we can take the sacrificial journey toward Christ in the knowledge that good works are blessings for our neighbor and not justification before God.

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Calling in the Wilderness
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

Calling in the Wilderness

Focusing on Luke 3:1-7, Pastor Jon walks through the narrative structure of Luke to show the evangelist’s emphasis on Jesus’ historical, political, and religious context. Through this short prologue, we learn that God has sent Jesus on a journey that covers the full spectrum of human existence. And on this journey, fear is met by joy.

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A Journey Toward the Light
Luke Jon Rodriguez Luke Jon Rodriguez

A Journey Toward the Light

Pastor Jon introduces our series for the season of Advent by surveying the evolving meaning of Advent throughout the history of the church. From the time of ancient Israel, through Jesus’ ministry, the Apostolic Age, and now in the Age of the Church - Advent is rife with meaning no matter what time we live in. One thing remains true: waiting for Jesus does not mean standing still. Over the course of this series, we will join the Wise Men of scripture and journey toward the light of Christ.

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